Hi everyone, and a special wave to our new member Mark Timmons!

When graduate students ask me about publishing, I often suggest they start by submitting a tight discussion/commentary piece.  The trouble, however, is that I don't know which journals welcome them.  Ethics, of course.  And APQ and AJP, I think. But which others?  So, with your much appreciated help, maybe we can generate a couple useful lists.  And so:

1. Which journals welcome discussions/commentaries on works they've published?  

2. Which jounals also welcome discussions/commentaries on works published elsewhere?

10 Replies to “Bleg: Jounals that welcome commentary/discussion pieces?

  1. Does Analysis really fit category 2? I’d be glad to hear if they do, but their author instructions state:

    We do look with interest at papers that continue recent threads of debate in Analysis, but, because of the intense pressure on space, we have a policy of not normally publishing critiques of papers that have appeared in other journals.

  2. Under category 1 here are a few: American Journal of Bioethics (AJOB), AJOB Neuroscience, and Brains-Behavior-Science (BBS). They all publish response pieces (usually under 2k words) to target articles.

  3. Thanks for the help everyone. Yes, I’d seen the old posts focusing on those that accept commentaries on work published in other journals (Philosophia, by the way, is great in this respect). But I’ve been struggling mostly with finding a nice list under category 1 (above). Johnathan, thanks for your illuminating leads. Future Googlers and I will be grateful for any further additions.
    Thanks again!

  4. FWIW, the most common rejection letter I’ve got from Analysis (there’s actually a decent data set) says that they don’t publish discussions of papers published elsewhere. (I’ve tried in vain to disguise the fact.)

  5. Ethics, Policy, and Environment actually invites comments on some of the papers they publish.

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