Call for Submissions

A Networking and Mentoring Workshop 
for Graduate Student Women in Philosophy

Co-Directors: Elisabeth Camp, Elizabeth Harman, and Jill North

Female PhD and DPhil students and prospective students in philosophy are invited to submit papers on any topic in philosophy to participate in a workshop at Princeton University, August 21-24, 2014.

Thirty-five students will be selected to participate. Seven students will have their papers discussed; fourteen students will serve as commentators, and fourteen as chairs. In addition to the seven philosophy sessions, there will be five sessions at which professional advice is offered by twelve faculty mentors.

The workshop will provide meals and shared rooms for three nights at the Nassau Inn for all participants. The workshop will reimburse up to $400 of travel costs. Participants traveling with children will be provided with a single room rather than a shared room. The workshop will also provide information about how to find babysitters in the Princeton area.

We are committed to accommodating all participants with disabilities.


Karen Bennett, Cornell University 

Elisabeth Camp, Rutgers University

Ruth Chang, Rutgers University

Elizabeth Harman, Princeton University

Jennifer Lackey, Northwestern University

Sarah-Jane Leslie, Princeton University

Ishani Maitra, University of Michigan

Jill North, Cornell University

Debra Satz, Stanford University

Jennifer Uleman, Purchase College, State University of New York

Katja Vogt, Columbia University

Susan Wolf, University of North Carolina


Advice Topics:

            Getting the most out of graduate school

            Writing a dissertation  


            Presenting and participating at conferences


            Preparing for the job market

            Starting a tenure-track job

            Balancing work with the rest of life


Papers on any topic in philosophy are welcome. Submissions must be no longer than 7,000 words, including notes and references, and must be prepared for anonymous review. The submission deadline is March 1, 2014. We will notify all applicants of our decision by the end of May 2014.

The online submission form is linked from the workshop webpage:

This is the first in a series of three workshops that will occur biennially.  These three workshops will reach more than 100 graduate student women across five years.

Workshop Sponsors:

Cornell University Sage School of Philosophy

The Marc Sanders Foundation

Princeton University Center for Human Values

Princeton University Department of Philosophy

Princeton University Council of the Humanities

Princeton University Diversity Initiative

Rutgers University Department of Philosophy

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