2013 Workshop Program below the fold.


9am – 10:15am     BARRY MAGUIRE (Princeton)

                              Grounding the Autonomy of Ethics
                              Chair: Eric Wiland

10:45am – Noon    TRISTRAM McPHERSON (Virginia Tech) &
                            DAVID PLUNKETT (Dartmouth)
Deliberative Indispensability Does not Justify Ontological Commitment
                            Chair: Andrew Alwood (Virginia Commonwealth)

1:45pm – 3pm       ELIZABETH HARMAN (Princeton)
                            The Irrelevance of Moral Uncertainty
                            Chair: Brad Cokelet (Miami)

3:30 – 4:45pm       WINNER, Marc Sanders Prize in Metaethics (TBA)

5:15pm – 6:30pm   DAVID COPP (UC-Davis)
                            Rationality and Moral Authority
                            Chair: Andrew Reisner (McGill)


9am – 10:15am     KENNY WALDEN (Dartmouth)
                           Practical Reason Not As Such
                           Chair: Joshua Schechter (Brown)

10:45am – Noon   CONNIE ROSATI (Arizona)
                           Agents and “Schmagents”
                           Chair: Karl Schafer (Pittsburgh)

1:45pm – 3pm       KNUT OLAV SKARSAUNE (NYU)
                            The Good, the Bad, and the Supervenient
                            Chair: Don Loeb (Vermont)

3:30pm – 4:45pm  JAMIE DREIER (Brown) **KEYNOTE ADDRESS**
                            Explaining the Quasi-Real

5:15pm – 6:30pm  ALISON HILLS (Oxford)
                            Cognitivism about Moral Judgement
                            Chair: Steve Finlay (USC)



9:30am – 10:45am NICK ZANGWILL (Durham)
                            Expressivism and the Social Function of Morality
                            Chair: Stan Husi (UW-Milwaukee)

11:15am -12:30pm JUSTIN CLARKE-DOANE (Birmingham & Monash)
                             Debunking Arguments: Genealogical and Explanatory
                             Chair: Christian Coons (Bowling Green)

Further information can be found at the workshop website.


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