On September 6-8, 2012, Purdue University will host an interdisciplinary conference entitled "Challenges to Religious and Moral Belief: Disagreement and Evolution".

The conference will focus on three main challenges to religious and moral beliefs:

  1. Widespread interpersonal disagreement among intellectual peers on religious and on moral topics provides reason to doubt these beliefs;
  2. Belief-source disagreement on moral issues between commonsense moral intuitions and religious belief sources raises doubts about both methods of belief formation;
  3. Evolutionary accounts of the origins of our religious and moral beliefs creates doubts about these beliefs by undermining our confidence in the reliability of their sources.
Conference Participants:

  • Robert Audi                                 University of Notre Dame (Philosophy)
  • Sarah Brosnan                             Georgia State University (Psychology)
  • Kelly James Clark                      Calvin College (Philosophy)
  • Stephen Davis                             Claremont McKenna College (Philosophy)
  • Kyla Ebels-Duggan                    Northwestern University (Philosophy)
  • William FitzPatrick                   University of Rochester (Philosophy)
  • John Greco                                  Saint Louis University (Philosophy)
  • John Hare                                    Yale University (Divinity School)
  • Kevin Hector                              University of Chicago (Divinity School)
  • Timothy Jackson                       Emory University (Candler School of Theology)
  • Jordan Kiper                               University of Connecticut (Anthropology)
  • Jennifer Lackey                         Northwestern University (Philosophy)
  • Dustin Locke                               Claremont McKenna College (Philosophy)
  • Charles Mathewes                     University of Virginia (Religious Studies)
  • Christian Miller                          Wake Forest University (Philosophy)
  • Mark Murphy                             Georgetown University (Philosophy)
  • John Pittard                                Yale University (Philosophy & Religious Studies)
  • Jeffrey Schloss                            Westmont College (Biology)
  • Walter Sinnott-Armstrong       Duke University (Philosophy)
  • Richard Sosis                              University of Connecticut (Anthropology)
  • Sharon Street                             New York University (Philosophy)
  • Ralph Wedgwood                      University of Southern California (Philosophy)
  • Erik Wielenberg                         DePauw University (Philosophy)
  • Michael Bergmann                  Purdue University (Philosophy)
  • Patrick Kain                              Purdue University (Philosophy)
For more information, including how to register, go to www.knowinginreligionandmorality.com/conference.html.

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