Dan Haybron is pleased to announce that the Department of Philosophy at Saint Louis University will be hosting the Henle Conference on Happiness and Well-Being on March 30-31, 2012. A tentative schedule appears below the fold. For futher updates, see https://sites.google.com/site/danhaybron/henle-conference-on-happiness-and-well-being.


Friday, March 30

1:00 pm     Welcoming Remarks

1:15 pm     Valerie Tiberius (University of Minnesota) 
                 "Right in the Middle: Normativity and Idealized Subjective Theories of Well-Being"
                 Comments: David Sobel (University of Nebraska)

2:55 pm     Coffee

3:15 pm    Wade Memorial Lecture                                   
                Richard Kraut (Northwestern University)           
                 "The Requirement of Neutrality and the Nature of Well-Being"

5:00 pm     Reception

6:00 pm     Dinner

Saturday, March 31

9:00 am     Tobias Hoffmann (Catholic University of America) 
                "The Pleasure of Life and the Desire for Non-Existence: Some Medieval Theories"
                Comments: Chris Heathwood (University of Colorado)

10:40 am    Coffee

11:00 am    Peter Railton (University of Michigan)
                "Subjective Well-Being as Information"
                 Comments: Michael Bishop (Florida State University)

12:40 pm    Lunch

2:40 pm      Nicole Hassoun (Carnegie Mellon University)
                 "A Basic Needs Account of Human Rights?"
                 Comments: Jennifer Hawkins (Duke University)

4:20 pm     Coffee

4:40 pm     Erik Angner (George Mason University) 
                "Subjective Well-Being: When, and Why, It Matters"
                Comments: Laura Sizer (Hampshire College)

6:20 pm     Free time

7:00 pm     Dinner

For details contact Dan Haybron (haybron@gmail.com). This page will be updated as the conference nears.

The conference is free and open to the public, and will take place at the Chase Park Plaza Hotel in the Central West End neighborhood of St. Louis. No registration is required. (But we'd be happy to learn in advance if you are planning to come.)

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