The 11th Conference of the International Society for Utilitarian Studies (ISUS) will be held on 23rd-25th June 2011 at San Romano Conference Centre, Lucca, Italy.  The Conference will be organized by the Department of Economics of the University of Pisa.

The International Society for Utilitarian Studies – ISUS – provides a forum for scholarly debate and research on utilitarianism and its historical development, and on its present-day relevance in such fields as ethics, politics, law, economics, and public policy.  [ISUS web site]   ISUS also publishes the journal Utilitas, a leading international review presenting original research in all aspects of utilitarian theory and encompassing the disciplines of moral philosophy, economics, psychology, political theory, intellectual history, law and jurisprudence. Conference registration includes a one-year ISUS membership and subscription to Utilitas.

ISUS XI is locally sponsored by the Municipality of Lucca, The Fondazione Campus Lucca, and the Cassa di Risparmio di Lucca, Livorno e Pisa.

ISUS XI welcomes papers and proposed sessions on all subjects related to utilitarianism and in all areas of moral philosophy, economics, psychology, political theory, intellectual history, law and jurisprudence. The special theme of ISUS XI will be: “The Ethics of Economic Development”. Some plenary and special sessions will be organized around this theme. Papers and session proposals concerning “The Ethics of Economic Development” are welcome and subject to the same submission procedures as all other papers.

To submit a proposal please send an abstract of about 400 words for a paper and/or a proposal of about 600 words for a session (together with the abstracts of the session papers) no later than the 28th February 2011 to:, or

The following Keynote speakers agreed to address the theme of the conference. They are:

Professor Jeffrey Sachs (Columbia University)
Director of The Earth Institute, Quetelet Professor of Sustainable Development, and Professor of Health Policy and Management at Columbia University; Special Advisor to the Secretary-general of UN Ban Ki-moon.

Professor Peter Singer (Princeton University)
Ira W. DeCamp Professor of Bioethics at Princeton University, and laureate professor at the Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics (CAPPE), University of Melbourne.

Professor Gustaf Arrhenius (Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study, Stockholm University)
Torgny Segerstedt Pro Futura Fellow e Professor of Practical Philosophy at Stockholm University.

Professor Frederick Rosen (University College London)
Emeritus Professor of History of Political Thought, former General Editor of The Collected Works of Jeremy Bentham.

Professor Nadia Urbinati (Columbia University)
Professor of Political Sciences.

The Committee of ISUS will award a prize of £250 for the best paper presented at the Conference by a graduate student.

Important dates: 28th February 2011: Deadline for abstract submissions. Notification of accepted/rejected abstracts 30th April 2011: Deadline for sending full papers 15th June 2011

Local Organizer: Marco E.L. Guidi (University of Pisa, Department of Economics)

A conference web site will be soon announced.

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