The excellent line-up of speakers for the 2007 BSET conference is now HERE . The conference is in Bristol on 9.-11.  of July. This is going to be yet another cracking event and so I hope that as many of you as possible can attend. The booking info is on the very same webpage as the list of speakers.

One Reply to “BSET conference 2007”

  1. Anyone interested in the BSET conference will also be probably interested in the conferences which David Chalmers announces at the following webaddress:
    The first conference, Experimental Philosophy and Meets Conceptual Analysis, is particularly interesting to many metaethicists who are thinking about the relevance of the much fuzzed about experimental studies for their field. It’s held at ANU on July 18-20 and line-up of speakers is great: John Doris, Joshua Knobe, Stephen Stich, Frank Jackson, Michael Smith, David Chalmers, and others.
    In addition, Sydney is hosting ‘Expressivism, Pragmatism and Representationalism’ and ‘Moral Cognitivism and Meta-Ethics’ conferences in the end of August. Oh why does Australia have to be so far…

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