The latest ethics alert appears below the fold.

UPDATE: I fixed the bad links.

Publicly Available:

and Morality
(John Hare) [NEW: September
27, 2006
] Stanford
Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

Carla Bagnoli, Respect and Membership in
the Moral Community

Michael Ridge, The
Truth in Ecumenical Expressivism

Alex Voorhoeve, Introduction
to the Forum on World Poverty and the Duty of Assistance


Matthew Smith, The
Moral Significance of Terrorism


Frei, Review of of Sophie
Botros’s Hume, Reason and Morality: A
Legacy of Contradiction



Available by Subscription Only:


Tiberius, Well-Being:
Psychological Research for Philosophers
, Philosophy Compass




NOTICE: If you have, or know of, an
ethics paper (or a new draft of one) that has recently become available online
and you would like me to link to it in the next Ethics Alert, then please send me an email or an email
attachment (.doc or .rtf) with the relevant information. The relevant
information should be properly formatted so that it can be simply cut and
pasted into a post. Thus it should look like this:


J. Arneson
, Luck Egalitarianism:
An Interpretation and Defense
, forthcoming in Philosophical Topics.


Not like


<a href=
“”>Richard J.
Arneson</a>, <a
Egalitarianism: An Interpretation and Defense</a>. forthcoming in
<i>Philosophical Topics</i>.

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