The program for the Second Annual Metaethics Workshop, Sept. 16-18, has been announced.  It’s below the fold.  Congratulations to frequent PEA Soup commentor Robert Johnson for getting on the program!

2nd Annual Metaethics Workshop
Madison, Wisconsin       September 16-18, 2005
All Sessions in 313 Pyle Center (702 Langdon Street)


9am – 10:15am   MARK SCHROEDER (Maryland)
The Humean Theory of Reasons
Chair: Matt Boyle (Harvard)

10:35am – 11:50am       MARGARET LITTLE
(Georgetown) & MARK LANCE (Georgetown)
Where the Laws Are
Chair: William FitzPatrick (Virginia Tech)

11:50AM – 1: 30PM       LUNCH

1:30 pm – 2:45pm        SARAH McGRATH
Moral Beliefs and Moral Disagreement
Chair: Paul Bloomfield (Connecticut)

3:05pm – 4:20pm STEPHEN DARWALL (Michigan)
Moral Obligation and Accountability
Chair: Sarah Buss (Iowa)

4:40pm – 6pm  ROBERT JOHNSON (Missouri)
Irrealism, Intrinsic Value, Universality
Chair: Doug Lavin (Harvard)

8pm -11
RECEPTION       (Tripp Commons, 2nd floor, Memorial Union)


9am – 10:15am  PATRICIA GREENSPAN (Maryland)
                        Practical Reasons and Moral Ought
                                            Chair: Phil Clark (Toronto)

10:35am-Noon   T.M. SCANLON (Harvard)
                        Wrongness & Reasons: A Re-examination  **KEYNOTE ADDRESS**

Noon-1:30 pm  LUNCH

1:30 pm – 2:45pm  MICHAEL RIDGE (Edinburgh)
                        Ecumenical Expressivism: The Best of Both Worlds?
                                            Chair: Gunnar Bjornsson (Stockholm)

3:00pm – 4:30pm  JUDITH THOMSON (MIT)
Normativity   **KEYNOTE ADDRESS**

4:45pm –
6pm   DAVID
ENOCH (Hebrew University)
An Outline of an Argument for Robust Metanormative Realism
Chair: Christian Miller (Wake Forest)



9am – 10:15 am  STEPHEN FINLAY (University of Southern California)
No Pretender is Wanting: Desires Legitimate Claim to Authority
Chair: Fred Schueler (New Mexico)

10:35 -11:50 am JOSHUA GERT (Florida State)
Normative Notions and Agreement in Response
Chair: Earl Conee  (Rochester)

Questions about the workshop should be directed to its organizer:
Russ Shafer-Landau    608-263-3727

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